2024 Registration and Proxy Form

The Annual General Meeting of SLE Church will be held from 9:30am - 12noon on Saturday 2 November, 2024 at the North Hall, 83 Ryans Road, St Lucia. Members are encouraged to arrive on time to register their attendance. Lunch to follow for those who wish to stay behind. 

The members of SLE Church will be voting:

  • for the Affirmation/Re-affirmation of 2 Elders, and Election/Re-election of 7 Deacons

  • for the approval of the updated SLE Church Constitution

Please check with the SLE Church Secretary (Winnie Wong) to verify your membership of SLE Church. If you are not yet a member of SLE Church, we welcome you to apply. 

Church members are welcomed to bring their children to this event with some quiet activities. We will aim to provide child-minding.  

After the AGM, members and family are welcome to stay back for a casual lunch at the church patio. Please register promptly by 30 Oct (Wed) 12noon through this form for attendance and lunch order.


Registering Your Attendance

Tip: Member in this context has an approved SLE Church membership and is qualified to vote at AGM.

Tip: Proxy may be appointed due to distant travel or serious illness that would cause the Church member to not able to attend the AGM in person.




Proxies are not to be used as a convenience to avoid attending General Meetings.
Members are reminded to fulfil the commitment made in becoming SLE Church members to attend our Church General Meetings.
Where a Church member is unable to attend a General Meeting of the Church for the following reasons:
-  Serious illness
-  Distant travel

The Member may appoint another SLE Church Member to represent him/her at the General Meeting.
(refer to CCCB SLE Church Constitution)

If your circumstances fit the above description, and you wish to lodge a Proxy Form for the Annual General Meeting, then please in fill this form and submit no later than Wednesday 30 October, 12 noon.

State the full name of the SLE Church member whom you have instructed to be your proxy for the meeting. (* Please be courteous to first seek confirmation from the Church member to be your proxy PRIOR to nominating them)



Lunch Order

As part of this year's SLE Church AGM we encourage all members to stay behind for lunch fellowship together.
Lunch of Takeaway choices of Hainanese Chicken Rice or Chicken Fried Rice will be organised, at $10/item.

Lunch orders must be paid for in full by Wednesday 30 October, 12 noon to:
PayID type: email address
PayID: info.cccbsle@gmail.com
Account Name: SLE Church
Account BSB: 084-424
Account Number: 39655-8544
Description: [First initial][Surname][AGM][number of order]. e.g. W Smith AGM 4 (for W Smith, AGM Event, 4 Portions)

Cancellation of lunch orders prior to Wednesday 30 October, 12 noon, can receive a full refund -- contact info@sle.church
Cancellation of lunch orders after Wednesday 30 October, 12 noon, inclusive of no show for the Event day, cannot be refunded.



Child Minding

We ask parents to consider putting children into minding only if they are unable to sit through the meeting quietly.
Please indicate whether your child would require child minding and we will aim to cater.

Your data and privacy is very important to us. We collect this information to assist in communicating with and caring for you. Your personal information is managed in accordance with SLE Church’s Privacy Policy.